Using PHP

Humphrey supports PHP over the FastCGI protocol, provided that it was compiled with the plugins feature enabled and the PHP plugin is installed. You'll also need PHP-CGI or PHP-FPM installed and running to allow Humphrey to connect to the PHP interpreter.


In the previous configuration example, we used included a file called php.conf into the configuration. You'll need to create this file with the following contents:

php { library "path/to/php.dll" # Path to the compiled library address "" # Address of the interpreter port 9000 # Port of the interpreter threads 8 # Threads to use (see below) }


The PHP plugin supports multi-threading to improve performance, but this requires some tweaks to the PHP FastCGI server configuration. PHP is by default single-threaded, so you'll need to increase the PHP threads to match the number you specify in your php.conf file.