Getting Started


You can find the latest binaries at the Releases page on GitHub. If you want to use plugins, ensure you download the version which supports them. It is also advisable to add the executable to your PATH, so you can run humphrey from anywhere. This is automatically done if you install via cargo, as outlined below.

Building from Source

To download and build the server, run the following command:

$ cargo install humphrey_server

If you are going to use plugins with the server, including the PHP plugin, you'll need to compile in plugin support, which can be done with the argument --features plugins. If you want to serve content over HTTPS, you'll need to compile in TLS support, which can be done with the argument --features tls. The following command automatically does both:

$ cargo install humphrey_server --all-features

Running the Server

Once Humphrey Server is installed, you can simply run humphrey anywhere to serve the content of the current working directory. It has only one optional argument, which is the path to its configuration file, and this defaults to humphrey.conf.

You'll see a warning that no configuration file was found. In the next section, Configuration, we'll learn how to use Humphrey's advanced configuration format to configure the server.