
Humphrey's configuration format is similar to that of Nginx. Comments begin with a # and are ignored by the parser. Separate configuration files can be included with the include directive, like in Nginx.

Locating the Configuration

Humphrey looks in three places for the configuration, before falling back to the default. If no configuration file can be found, the server will log a warning and start using the default configuration.

  1. The path specified as a command-line argument, for example when running humphrey /path/to/config.conf.
  2. The humphrey.conf file in the current directory.
  3. The path specified in the HUMPHREY_CONF environment variable.

It is important to note that if a file is found at any of these locations but is invalid, the server will log an error and exit instead of continuing to the next location.


An example configuration file with all the supported directives specified is shown below.

server {
  address   ""        # Address to host the server on
  port      443              # Port to host the server on
  threads   32               # Number of threads to use for the server
  timeout   5                # Timeout for requests, highly recommended to avoid deadlocking the thread pool

  plugins { # Plugin configuration (only supported with the `plugins` feature)
    include "php.conf"       # Include PHP configuration (see next page)

  tls { # TLS configuration (only supported with the `tls` feature)
    cert_file "cert.pem"     # Path to the TLS certificate
    key_file  "key.pem"      # Path to the TLS key
    force     true           # Whether to force HTTPS on all requests

  blacklist {
    file "conf/blacklist.txt" # Text file containing blacklisted addresses, one per line
    mode "block"              # Method of enforcing the blacklist, "block" or "forbidden" (which returns 403 Forbidden)

  log {
    level   "info"         # Log level, from most logging to least logging: "debug", "info", "warn", "error"
    console true           # Whether to log to the console
    file    "humphrey.log" # Filename to log to

  cache {
    size 128M # Size limit of the cache
    time 60   # Max time to cache files for, in seconds

  host "" { # Configuration for connecting through the host
    route /* {
      redirect "http://localhost/" # Redirect to localhost

  route /ws {
    websocket "localhost:1234" # Address to connect to for WebSocket connections

  route /proxy/* {
    proxy              "," # Comma-separated proxy targets
    load_balancer_mode "round-robin"                   # Load balancing mode, either "round-robin" or "random"

  route /static/*, /images/* {
    directory "/var/static" # Serve content from this directory to both paths

  route /logo.png {
    file "/var/static/logo_256x256.png" # Serve this file to this route

  route /home {
    redirect "/" # Redirect this route with 302 Moved Permanently

  route /* {
    directory "/var/www" # Serve content from this directory